Saturday, December 4, 2010

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: 1st Disscusion

     So I am reading this book in Class and it is confusing, but it has a bit of a thrill to it. Oh yeah, its called Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Its bout a journalist who finds himself trying to solve a case of a missing girl. I cant really say to read the book or not since I barley started reading it, but so far it has been okay.
     Our first discussion was predictable. I knew most of what the people in my group would say. Throughout the first book part there was only talk on business ad getting back at companies. In our discussion there were many main points that we stayed discussing for most of the time.The main points were:
1. Story plot- where it was going and what it could be leading to
2. Characters- especially Blomkvist(I know, weird name)
3. Title of the book
4. And the business talking( it was confusing)
    I found that our first discussion made things a whole lot easier. Talking with the people in my group helped me understand parts of the story I did not know.I did not get how business related to the story idea, but after discussing about it I found out that it would help solve the case in the end.( well not all of it but most of it) We don't really know what going to happen next, but talking about what has happened makes things a whole lot easier.
    What I found hard about my discussion was that some people where on different pages of the book. We were all suppose too read to the clip, but some did  not finish and others read ahead. Discussion points also ran out and we couldn't think of what else we could talk about, but that only happened a few times.
    What I did like was hearing others perspective of the story and what they think of whats going on. Sometimes our discussion turned into a debate, but it mostly stayed as comments. Asking questions was good because it made everyone know what was going on, and answer each other.
      I also thought that listening to another group was helpful. We could hear great topics on a different book. We also got good ideas for our next group discussion and see how we could manage one better. Giving feedback also helped me learn what I could do to make our group discussion more productive.

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