Friday, December 17, 2010

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Christmas Time/////////////////////////////////////////////

well almmost,.  was going through all the blogs and I foud this quote on Luis's blog
 Merry Christmas and New Years to everyone. :)
Now his blog had nothing to do with Christmas, but hey its Christmas spirit so I just wanted to write about Christmas, It is one of, well my favotite holiday!!!!!!!! I love getting presents and eating the delicious food.
This Christmas I might go to LA, so I am really excited. If not we wil just celebreate at our  hoouse. Usually we start celebrating chritmas ont the 24th and end until the 25th!!!!!!!!1 The party goes on all night, there is no sleeping! Who even wants to sleep its Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
I just love Christmas its the best holiday ever!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I usually like to get into the Christmas spirit so I do Christmas stuff. I go shopping with my mom for gifts. I love getting people gifts, but my mom usually pays for me. Haha
Caroling with friends. it really fun, I ma going to go this Tuesday and then go watch a movie.
Drink Hot Chocolate, who doesn't like it?!
And the best part of all.....................................
CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Christmas trees not just because the gifts are under, but because we get to decorate it. My family usually decorates it together and its really fun. Nah, I think the most important part of Christmas is love. I love my parents and my friends, thats what Christmas is a ll about, love peace and hope. I just like being with my family and having fun.
BUt I do love the presents I have my wishlist:
New longboard

Well I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

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