Sunday, December 12, 2010

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: 2nd Disscusion

So far this book has been not at all what I expected! I mean, I thouhght it would be more suspenseful and terrifying, but its not. I mean, don't get me wrong its a good book its just not at all what you think it would be.So after the second disscusion I sorta have a better understanding of the book. All the evidence is starting to get  clear and I know whats going to happen next.
Our disscusion was better than the other day and I contributed more to my book than any other book I hae done. Many questions came up and we sorta started some mini debates. A question that came up and I  thought was very interesting was: What is the author trying to portray throught the book with the headings he puts up  and the informaton on sweedish women? In the book there are facts about sweedish women and words that describe companys. I think the words are for the description of the process for big corpurate companies and how most of them take their process throuout the whole life of one. I dont really haev an idea on the sweedish woman facts, but I might later  on.
I think that this book is confusing at first and thats why we ushally ask a lot of questions in our disscusions. I really want to get to the end though to put all the evidence together and solve the case, The book is hard to get a firdt but, if you resad slow and have a good understanding of what goes on then you wil get it. I think disscussing has been a good thing to do and we have been able to help each other out during class.
What really got me turned on in the disscusuion was the spoiler that Andy said. It was about the lady who I thought was dead but she was not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant belivev it! Now I really want to finish the book. But, I also have to read a lot to catch up on.
I really cant wait till our next disscusion.

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