Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Book Post

          So far my book has been great. Oh yeah, the book I am reading is The Last Song, and I love it! There is a movie about it as well , and I watched it. Though, I think the book has a better descriprion. In this novel, by Nicholas Sparks (a well known author for writing various romance stories) a teenage girl visits her  dad who she has not had much contact with for a while and is not so thrilled about it.
        This book I would recomend to teenagers. Most of the characters in the story are teenagers, and I don't think that adults or young kids could relate to them since they are not teenagers.
       The types of conflicts and situations that are in the story also relate more to somthing that would happeen to teenagers. One of the conflicts is dealing with a divorce. Many people can relate to it, but the author has the veiwpoint set on a teen. The teenager is Ronnie. She does not want to spend her summer at her dad's house in another state. But, she has not even talked to her dad for three years.
   " Ronnie slouched in front of the seat of the car, wondering why on earth her mom and dad hated her so much. It was the only thing that could  explain why she was her visiting her dad, in this godforsaken southern armpit of a place, instead of spending time with her friends back home in Manhattan."(p1)
The tone in which the writer wrote this book is towards teens. Ronnie who is a teen in the book relates to the hard things she has to face with her parents being separated.
     Another reason why this bookj is intended for teens is because of what goes on in the book. It is a bout a TEENAGE girl, who falls in love with a TEENAGE boy, and she has trouble with other TEENAGERS and is basiclly going through what TEENAGERS go through. Now, I don't think it can get more teenage then that.
    The thing that really stood out to me though, was how I could relate to how Ronnie delt things in  the book. She delt with them like a teen. THe book also just has this teenagish (yeah I know not a word,but I couldn't find a better one) voice to it. It has more humor and teen romanace. That is why this book goes with the audience for teenagers.


  1. bany book i will say is very intresting. i watched the movie she was talking about and it was a wonderful movvie when i and my family was watching it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like your blog post about your book because you explained a lot about it and you did not just state anything and did not explain you did on most of them which is grrrrreat!!! But i have a question how do you know if it is allllll about teenagers does it state it in the book? I know you know something about teenagers but you have to explain about how it is being a teenager in the book. their is many ways but explain it a little more ok THANKKKKs GURRRRL lol. (i do not know why i said that haha) nice explanation of the story but you have to show what question you answered about the book on the top ok!!!

  4. I like how you repeated the point over and over again. I really like how you capitalized teenage near the end. There were a few grammar mistakes here and there, but nothing that can't removed within 2 minutes. Good job. And Saber, this isn't a social network. don't use lol and threee exclamation marks.

  5. Bany, this post has many strong points although I
    think you can elaborate when more when you say, "Though, I think the book has a better descriprion." You compared this to the movie and then just said that the book has better description. I think that if you explain in detail why the book is more descriptive, then this post would have been much stronger. I also think that you should relate the problems of the teenage girl in this book to problems of real teenage boys and girls today. If you do this, your final book review would be a lot stronger.
