Friday, December 17, 2010

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Christmas Time/////////////////////////////////////////////

well almmost,.  was going through all the blogs and I foud this quote on Luis's blog
 Merry Christmas and New Years to everyone. :)
Now his blog had nothing to do with Christmas, but hey its Christmas spirit so I just wanted to write about Christmas, It is one of, well my favotite holiday!!!!!!!! I love getting presents and eating the delicious food.
This Christmas I might go to LA, so I am really excited. If not we wil just celebreate at our  hoouse. Usually we start celebrating chritmas ont the 24th and end until the 25th!!!!!!!!1 The party goes on all night, there is no sleeping! Who even wants to sleep its Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
I just love Christmas its the best holiday ever!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I usually like to get into the Christmas spirit so I do Christmas stuff. I go shopping with my mom for gifts. I love getting people gifts, but my mom usually pays for me. Haha
Caroling with friends. it really fun, I ma going to go this Tuesday and then go watch a movie.
Drink Hot Chocolate, who doesn't like it?!
And the best part of all.....................................
CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Christmas trees not just because the gifts are under, but because we get to decorate it. My family usually decorates it together and its really fun. Nah, I think the most important part of Christmas is love. I love my parents and my friends, thats what Christmas is a ll about, love peace and hope. I just like being with my family and having fun.
BUt I do love the presents I have my wishlist:
New longboard

Well I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: 3rd Disscusion

Yes! Finally our last group discussion!! I think that our last discussion was the best we ever had. It was the end of the book so we all knew what happened and there were no new surprises that could be exposed.
The book was okay. If I were to rate it on a scale from one to ten(ten being the highest) I would have to say I would give it a six. Don't get me wrong this book was good, but I had trouble grasping the main point many times in the book.
What was difficult about the book was the plot. It seemed as if the story was going to present to past and the other way around. It is a VERY hard book to keep up with. The big idea behind the whole book has to do a lot with business and big corporate companies(which I am not found of) I don't like business or anything complex like that. So it was hard to enjoy reading my book when I had to be able to understand company issues as well.
 But wait........This book was also very interesting! Even though the may seem confused at parts between the book, while you start to read and get to where the plot starts to take more action you get clues along the way. I also like that the characters and setting took some place in Germany. I don't know, I think the names were cool and sounded cool.
What we mostly discussed was the purpose of the book and clarifying questions.After we finished the book we had comments to make on why events happened and what the author was trying to portray about it to go with the story. A Lot of questions came up. Many were just to clarify is something was true in a story or what someone missed reading.
 A question that really guided our discussion was
What do the facts on women of Sweden or Germany( I forgot which) and the big bolded words after every few chapters have to do with the story's idea?
I commented by saying that the story had some violence and the story revoled arounf busniss. It was a connection between the both.
Over all, the whole group discussion thing was awsome and I liked reading this book. You should read it!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: 2nd Disscusion

So far this book has been not at all what I expected! I mean, I thouhght it would be more suspenseful and terrifying, but its not. I mean, don't get me wrong its a good book its just not at all what you think it would be.So after the second disscusion I sorta have a better understanding of the book. All the evidence is starting to get  clear and I know whats going to happen next.
Our disscusion was better than the other day and I contributed more to my book than any other book I hae done. Many questions came up and we sorta started some mini debates. A question that came up and I  thought was very interesting was: What is the author trying to portray throught the book with the headings he puts up  and the informaton on sweedish women? In the book there are facts about sweedish women and words that describe companys. I think the words are for the description of the process for big corpurate companies and how most of them take their process throuout the whole life of one. I dont really haev an idea on the sweedish woman facts, but I might later  on.
I think that this book is confusing at first and thats why we ushally ask a lot of questions in our disscusions. I really want to get to the end though to put all the evidence together and solve the case, The book is hard to get a firdt but, if you resad slow and have a good understanding of what goes on then you wil get it. I think disscussing has been a good thing to do and we have been able to help each other out during class.
What really got me turned on in the disscusuion was the spoiler that Andy said. It was about the lady who I thought was dead but she was not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant belivev it! Now I really want to finish the book. But, I also have to read a lot to catch up on.
I really cant wait till our next disscusion.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\MEXICAN FOOD//////////////////////////////

Okay, so I found this quote on Fermins Blog that talks about Mexican food. I am Mexican and I love mexican food. Most people do find Mexican food very tasty and delicious. I think its because our food is very unique and has the best spicy flavors. The quote I found was
 ''In every Mexican dish, most of the time we have torillas. In my opinion, if you dont have tortillas then you food is not complete. Tortillas are made out of korn which is another grain that is good for you. A nother thing is that When it comes to mexicans cooking food, they always put pepers. In my opinion, if the food is not spicy, then its not good.''
I love Mexican food, and I agree with Fermin. In my family, at every meal we have a plate of tortillas and freashley made salsa or chiles asasdos(which are my favorite). Mexican food is really all about spicy food! Thats why I love it. Ushally most people want ketup on their fries or put salt on their chips. I always put hot salsa. My favorite type of salsa is my auties guacamole hot salsa, but my second favorite is Tapatio! I think evrery mexican has a tapatio hot sause bottle in their fridge. I love to put tapatio in my lays chips and had lime juice, its so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tortillas are also something that I love!!!!!!!!!!! I think if I would have to chose between tortillas and bread I would choose tortillas. I eat more tortillas than bread, and they are many varaities of tortillas nowadays. My favorite dish with tortillas would have to be tacos al pastor with salsa verde. Its just tacos with the meast extra fried with salse and then you put more salsa on top, I ushally also put some jalapenos becsue it gives it a more spicy flavor. 
If I would have to define Mexican food with only three words I would say spicy, meaty, and flavorful. We have a varity  of flavors and most of them have meat in it. My favorite spicy mexican dish would be enchiladas! They are so spicy!!!!!!! I have to have like a whole giant soda after to get the spict tast out of my mouth. My favorite meaty plate would be tacos de carnitas. They are filled with different types of meat fried together.
                                     I love Mexican food, Its the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

JUSTIN BEIBER WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough with the war!why do people always have this war on Justiin! just let him be, and I found this quote on Contanse blog:
I don't have an opinion on Justin Beiber...but I'm not a "hater" either. I find it extremely interesting that there is no middle ground, only the fans and the "haters".
I do not dislike Beiber just because I don't listen to his music. I simply don't care one way or the other.

Now, to your third point, that I am being intolerant and "getting all crazy and angry" about others disagreeing with me. As a matter of fact, this is impossible, because I am not in direct disagreement with anyone whose post I referenced. It's all right with me if you guys disagree with each other, but why can't you respect that other people have opinions just as much as you do? Why can't you just agree to disagree?
OKAY JUSTIN BEIBER IS JUST A REGULAR BOY WHO HAS A lot of fans who love him. He also has those mean haters who should just stop hating on him. So I learned that there are three typr of Justin Beiber people.
Lover Fans- They adore him becasue he:
IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
GREAT HAIR!!!!!!!!!!1(he really does)

There are also those who are
Haters- Hate him becasue
STUPID (because he doesnt know what Germany is)

And there are  also those who just know him bu t  don't really care much.
Thery   are the people who have different opinions about him but aren't that  crazy about it.
No offense but all those haters and lovers are CCRAZY! Just let the boy be. He si just a star and soon everyone will forget him in a couple of years.
And haters- stop hating! what did he ever do to you? you are just jeloues that every girl ypu ask think hess cute and you wish you had his good loooks. nah, i'm just playin, but seriously back off.
I am in the middle I do like him, but I am not so crazt  about him.
oh well, I hope this helps the Justin War!!!!!!!!!

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: 1st Disscusion

     So I am reading this book in Class and it is confusing, but it has a bit of a thrill to it. Oh yeah, its called Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Its bout a journalist who finds himself trying to solve a case of a missing girl. I cant really say to read the book or not since I barley started reading it, but so far it has been okay.
     Our first discussion was predictable. I knew most of what the people in my group would say. Throughout the first book part there was only talk on business ad getting back at companies. In our discussion there were many main points that we stayed discussing for most of the time.The main points were:
1. Story plot- where it was going and what it could be leading to
2. Characters- especially Blomkvist(I know, weird name)
3. Title of the book
4. And the business talking( it was confusing)
    I found that our first discussion made things a whole lot easier. Talking with the people in my group helped me understand parts of the story I did not know.I did not get how business related to the story idea, but after discussing about it I found out that it would help solve the case in the end.( well not all of it but most of it) We don't really know what going to happen next, but talking about what has happened makes things a whole lot easier.
    What I found hard about my discussion was that some people where on different pages of the book. We were all suppose too read to the clip, but some did  not finish and others read ahead. Discussion points also ran out and we couldn't think of what else we could talk about, but that only happened a few times.
    What I did like was hearing others perspective of the story and what they think of whats going on. Sometimes our discussion turned into a debate, but it mostly stayed as comments. Asking questions was good because it made everyone know what was going on, and answer each other.
      I also thought that listening to another group was helpful. We could hear great topics on a different book. We also got good ideas for our next group discussion and see how we could manage one better. Giving feedback also helped me learn what I could do to make our group discussion more productive.