Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sutherland Class is Awsome!

    What I want to write about in this blog is this class, writing class or is it english? well anyway, this is my favorite class where we actally have to do class work, other than pe. I dont just like it because we barley get any homework( which i love !) but because of my teacher, Mr suther land!
Mr. sutherland is awsome,not because he is funny but becasue we get a lot of freedome in his classroom.  And No! I am not being a kiss up. He makes jokes all the time and I like the blogging part of the class.We get to write about whatever we want to write about and share it with others. I feel that his class is the only class in which I can chill and be happy to learn.
So far, this class has been easy and I have enjoyed the assignments we have completed. We are reading a book , Kite Runner. I really like it. Now I dont know what else to write about, oh yeah!
SO the class is fun and Imean Mr Sutherland is crazy! Not the bad type of crazy, but the type where they are funny and have cool ideas to to in class. In class I ushally just sit down and chill with what we are doing. I dont need to worry about notes or where my notebook went, or HOMEWORK! (well sometimes) Mr sutherland also makes me laugh, a lot! I mean we could just be in class talking about a book and then we are talking about some guy in a randome movie. But he knows how to teach. He doesnt bore us with notes all the time and talking the whole period. He is a true teacher.
that is what makes him stand out from all the other teachers i have in school. I guess his wasnt a blog of the class it was mostly about sutherland so I guess this is a sutherland blog.Ha ha.!
Now I cant write about the class becasue I don'thave anything else to say so i'm just going to talk about food. I want a bag of hot cheetosThey are so freakin good! Everyone I know likes them. I always eat about two or three bags a week. okay I am done writing now.

1 comment:

  1. You are most kind for these words of encouragement. I'm glad I'm not the bad kind of crazy.

    A word, though: Freedom, chilling, and happiness in learning have little to do with me and everything to do with YOU. Know what I'm talking about?
