Monday, November 15, 2010

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\3rd Book Post//////////////////////////////

We finally finished reading Kite Runners, yah! I really enjoyed reading this book. I guess I am just going to write about what I thought of the book. What really stood out to me in the story was the climax of it. You always read something terrible that happened to the characters and then another tragic event happens. It always keeps on building up.  I really didn't like most of the events that took place in the book because they always led to someone getting hurt. I do have to say that Amir had a rough life. I don't think I could ever go through what he did.
My favorite character in the story was Hassan. He so nice to Amir and Amir's father Baba. Hassan is the only character in the story in which we can see many different aspects of his like that give us different veiws of his perspective. I also like his character because the story seems to revolve around him a lot.
The events in the story was what really was driving the plot. My favorite event was when Amir and Hasssan won the Kite Flying tournament. It was like a symbol of their friendship.My least favorite event was when Amir and Baba came to America and Baba got sick, and died. I almost cried! Even though the events in the story where tragic, suspensful, heartbreaking, terrible, adn sad; they were also filled with understanding, love, hope, adn faith. I think thats why this story is so good. The characters get to know after each event that they go through and it makes them stronger.
I really like the ending:
For you, a thousand times over, I heard myself say. Then I turned and ran. It was only a smile, nothing more. It didn't make everything all right. But I'll take it. With open arms... I ran... But I didn't care...I ran with the wind blowing in my face, and a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher on my lips. I ran. Page 371

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