Monday, November 8, 2010

Kite Runner Response #2

     The kite runner has been a very interesting book. I find myself being able to relate experiences from the story to my real life in the second section. What I noticed was in the first section I got a lot of Airs childhood and how he was raised. In the second section I get a lot of manipulations of time and A LOT of Amirs relationship with his dad. ( I find that the most interesting relationship in the book)
Amir and his dad share a lot in common, but are yet so far apart, same blood, but different mind sets.
What I want to do it tell you all the interesting events that have happened in the story so far:
    1. Hassans incident with Assef
    2. Hassan goes away
    3. Amir and Baba go to the US
    4. Baba gets cancer

Those are the events that have driven most of the plot and conflict throughout the whole story.
So far, Amir is very different. I don't find him to be the same person he was before. He doesn't observe much of what goes around him, he is also not as free spirited as he was.I guess through all the trouble he has gone through it made him change. Baba has stayed the same. I find him to be the most hard headed, unemotional, stubborn, careing, thoughtful, and most courages character I ever read of. I think Amir really admires his dad.
The way I can connect is with him moving. I did not move move as far from him, but coming to a new city was difficult to me. I also had a friend who went away. She moved to a new city, very far away and I still miss her and  I wish she could be living here.
My last thoughts on the book are that it really has made me think a lot. Idon't know of what but the trou bles that go on in the book. They just see to have taught me things and show me a lot of the characters. I know I sound weird, but it is just a really good book, and I cant wait to read the rest of it.
p.s. and I cant wait to watch the movie!

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