Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttle: David

David why! I think school days should be changes from the regular requirements, but David does not agree. Here is his opening statement:  click here  to go to his  post.
"In my opinion, the number of years required in school should not be changed. One of my reasons is that if the years required in school were shorter, the student won’t really learn much.''
    I do not agree with david becasue I would like to change the requirement for the days of schools we have to go to. We learn a lot and we can learn it in a shorter amount of time. What we would have to do is do everything a little faster, but it would be better becasue we get more freedome.
    "The more intelligent a person is, the more that person has to offer to the world. And if the amount of schooling required is decreased the student will not learn as much and will not have as much to offer."
This is not true there are many succesful people that have not gone to shcool all the way. Your opinion really did not contribute to the world idea. Make sure that they are not a generization or just opinions. The idea can go with your debate, but it doesnt aply to evryone and I think it doesnt make sense to go with your statement.
"Public schools spend $10,377 per pupil. That's a little above the national average of $9,435."This means that public schools are spending a little more than they should. If school was longer, schools will have to spend a lot more than $10,377 depending on how much the required years in school are extended. This can lead to more economic issues than we already have.
This qoute talks how there is too much money being put into schools and how much they are spending, um HELLO!!!!!!!!! why are so many schools closing down then? I think nnot enough mony is being put into schools, and how could schools spend a lot of money if they barley have enough to maintain their students?
 I don't ythink this fact is correct.
   But, your blog was persuading and thats good.
Okay I think I have enough words.

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