Friday, January 14, 2011

Missing a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So i found this uote in Karissas blog which I am dying to blog about! Its a bout missing your friends and I miss my friends a lot!
I really miss my ffriend and I wish she was here at ASTI. We have been best friends since the fifth grade and now I haven't seen her since I started the school year! I don't know what to say sometimes because it might be that she has moved or she doesn' know what to say. We have only talked online but we haven't seen each other in person. I really miss her. the last time I saw her was at a party in the summer!!!!! Thats a really long time. Anyway, highschool is great, but it keeps me apart from my friends.
Now, I haven't talked to this friend in a really long time. I miss her, but she doesn't really seem to care. It's kind of sad because she was one of my closest friends in middle school and now we never talk. Just like the quote said "[People] end up having nothing to say to each other, even if they were best friends the year before."
I think I might hang out with them more often and we can call each other so we keep in touch.

My best friend and I were really close friends and we knew each other since first grade. We know each other’s birthday and I still remember the first birthday present she gave me was a hello kitty glasses. Cough* I told her I love hello kitty ! Back then every morning she would come to my house have breakfast with me and we would talk and talk. Those were the good times. I thought I was going to see her again after the sleepover, however that was the last day I’d seen her. :(

Jessica also responded and I really do miss my friends and sometimes cry when I think of them.I remebmer the fun times we used to have having sleepovers and parties(but getting in trouble by the nieghboors) haha!But i really want to spend more time with friends and have good times again. Anyway, I don't know what else to write so i will write about what i am doing at this second at this second i am typing this blog that explains what i am typing ! mysterious, huh? okay well i think thats enough. Bye!

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