Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday the 14th!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I really don't know what to write about in my free blog so I will just write what I did this whole entire day up to the pint where I am writing this blog.
     I woke up in the morning and I was really tired. My feet were really cold and I wanted to stay in bed.(as you can see i do not like waking up early) First I got ready for school, after that I ate leftover pasta (i know its not the best breakfast to eat)  but its sooooo gooooood it was Tortelloni ricotta and spinaci
 I think thats how you spell it?. Then my dad drove me to school. I got out the car and went to my first period class Mr Higashi! I was really mad about  having to be at school, but then my friend told me it was friday so I got happy! Yah fridays!
When wewent to math class we had a sub so we took notes and talked aftefr we finished our work. I put up stanleys hair in a ponytail haha! but he looked adorable! Then we went to histpory and then my favorite subject.......... LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were suppose to got to interact but Ashley  and me walked aroung campus and then played apples to apples with a whole bunch of people in mccoys room. Sahber and fermin were funny cause they didn't know how to play the game adn we had to keep on elping them, but it was fun! Then it was corbally and PE. I played volly ball and then we played duck duck goose with most of the freshman! (I know your laughing but yyou know you love to play it!!!!!!!!)
After school I went home and slept!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so tired. I ate ice cream after I woke up and called my friend. I took my dog out for a walk and met some of my other friends at encinal and walked around Alameda. When I got home I remembered I had to finish my blogs so I turned on my computor and started to write this blog!
Okay bye!

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