Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So far this year has been great because I have done a lot of work on my blog. Throughout the process of making blog posts  got to learn a lot about me as a writer, my blog, and my writing. I have noticed how my writing has improved a lot and how it has helped me not just in this class but beyond it. In a blog post I did in the past I would not really write about topics other then school subjects and I had a hard time finding the way I could talk about other topics. Here is a quote from one of my blog posts I did on Mr.Sutherland’s class, It was about his class,
What I want to write about in this blog is this class, writing class or is it English? well anyway, this is my favorite class where we actually have to do class work, other than periods. I don’t just like it because we barley get any homework( which i love !) but because of my teacher, Mr. Sutherand!
As you can see this post is based on a boring topic, not the class, but I didn’t really have a point in writing it. As we progressed on through the year we were assigned a lot of different posts to write based on a wide range of topics. Many of them were book reviews,discussions,  debates, vignettes, English Class, response posts. My favorite was vignettes because it was fun writing and I enjoyed what I wrote about. A topic I had difficulty with was response posts.I was never really introduced to writing response posts, but I had to this year. At first I wasn’t so sure on who to respond to and what t say. I didn’t want that person to think I was mean or I didn’t like their work In my other response post I also had the same idea,
“My most favorite thing of having a blog connects to having freedom, but I don't have to stick to     narrative essays.(which I find boring, sorry If I offended anyone). I don't have to worry about punctuation of grammar, which is great! Or follow a list of rules that conclude to an essay. I can focus more on my main idea of writing and let my essays flow more easily. At first, writing on the Internet was a weird introduction to a new exposure of our writing. I am going to be honest- I was nervous!  I thought of my work a lot- having to revise two or three times, and going over my other blogs. I didn't know what type of comments I would get on my style of writing.Through writing many blog posts, my fear of putting up work was over.”
Thinking about who I was going to respond to to was not the only thing that I was worried about.What I was going to write about was even more worrying. I didn’t want to sound stupid and it was hard to me to relate to others peoples writing since I never really have done it before. In this post I responded to a student, but my ideas were not to clear on the subject,
So there is this whole conflict of Justin Beiber and a lot of crap being talked about him. All what I have to say is Let him be ! I mean what has he ever done to you! People are just haters and are jealous,of him. (especially guys)
This post was on the subject of Justin Beiber. Now, I don’t think writing about him was going to help my writing, but my ideas on him and others. As I got exposed to writing more response posts I discovered other interesting topics that people were  writing about.This quote shows how having discussions on our writing helped me express my writing a discussion.
“I found that our first discussion made things a whole lot easier. Talking with the people in my group helped me understand parts of the story I did not know.I did not get how business related to the story idea, but after discussing about it I found out that it would help solve the case in the end.( well not all of it but most of it) We don't really know what going to happen next, but talking about what has happened makes things a whole lot easier.”
In this post I related on what we did in class and what we were talking about in our discussions on a book we were reading. I found out that writing about different topics not only helps me learn about them, but learn on how to respond to peoples ideas while having a different view point on them.This helped my writing I found that our first discussion made things a whole lot easier.improve on writing on different topics and learning to reflect on other peoples writing.
My writing has also improved my writing because people have given me comments on my writing and I get to l see what they think of my writing. We had wrote an older refection post and I found a quote that supports my point
“Having a blog has also been able to get me some feedback on my work that has helped and encouraged on my writing. ''I found this quote in Susan's blog that explains a lot of what...'' This quote shows the ideas I get from others in their blogs.Most of the feedback I get are comments, but sometimes I found out that some of the comments people gave me, made me think that my writing was not good. But, as I studied my writing I noticed that those insults
( better yet-advice) would be able to make my writing better. As I used the advice on my blogs, people started to notice and comment. It gives me a sense to be proud my work and encourages me to be more confident in what I write about.”
Even back then having a blog post helped my writing with having e feedback. I get to see what people thought of my writing and they sometimes give me advice or comments that really help me. I also get to help others with their writing and discuss it with them in posts. The discussions helps get my writing from paper, to a blog, to a discussion. This helped express my writing in different ways and be able to be comfortable with it. This format has taught me to process my work in different ways.  With all the practice and comments that my peers gave to me my writing I also got to learn  from my mistakes and how to improve.   
Overall having this blog has taught me to grow as a writer, and learn more of what I can do with my writing. I found out that my writing has improved by having a blog; by getting helpful comments and discussing in class. My writing has mostly improved by being able to write about different topics. This year has been full of surprises, one of them was having a blog. AT first I was nervous, but I got to improve not just as a writer but as a student. Thanks Mr. Sutherland for introducing me to the world of Blogs!

Monday, May 2, 2011

response post to my tablemates book reveiws

These are my response post to my tablemates book reveiws:

Your book post is good. Ypou really have a nice description of the story and it makes me want to read the book. All I would do is read over it and cheak for grammer mistakes. Also, you summerize the book a lot. I think one of your questions is a bout just the character so try to go more in depth. Try to make connections with other characters and describe this charcater. ALso, ilike how you made that example in the end and I think you can add more to it to describe how it affected the character. Overall, good book post. Read over it and make a few changes.

Andi li: Okay your book post is good. You really have a nice description of the boik without giving everything away. But, I still do not feel like I want to read your book. I also liked how you used one of my quotes to put on your essay. I feel like you can read over you blog post for grammer mistakes and redundabt things. Many of things you put up are just little details that don;t go with the question. ALso, add a conclusion paragraph where you summerize your over all ideas to your bok. Othwer then that, good book post.

your book post was god. I have read your book and I would agree on yout ideas towards it. Ithink you shoud go back and read your rough draft and edit grammera and organization. Yopu have good ideas but their not that well organized. The last paragraph you have is also kind of redundant so I think you can take it out. Try to add those ideas to your other pargraphs. Instead, add a conclusion paragrph were you add all your overall ideas to your book. Over all, good book post.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Book Review

           The book I finished reading in English class was The Last Song, and I love it! There is a movie about it as well , and I watched it. Though, I think the book has a better description. In this novel, by Nicholas Sparks (a well known author for writing various romance stories) a teenage girl visits her  dad who she has not had much contact with for a while and is not so thrilled about it. Ronnie rejects her dads attempts to try to communicate with her.She wants to go home, but finding her true loves makes her stay. But, later on she has to face  an even harder problem, her fathers death. In the end she stays all the summers with her dad and gets back with Will. Ronnie experianced her first true love, as well as a sudden death.
        This book I would recommend to teenagers. Most of the characters in the story are teenagers, and I don't think that adults or young kids could relate to them since they are not teenagers.
The types of conflicts and situations that are in the story also relate more to something that would happen to teenagers. One of the conflicts is dealing with a divorce. Many people can relate to it, but the author has the viewpoint set on a teen. The teenager is Ronnie. She does not want to spend her summer at her dad's house in another state. But, she has not even talked to her dad for three years.
   " Ronnie slouched in front of the seat of the car, wondering why on earth her mom and dad hated her so much. It was the only thing that could  explain why she was her visiting her dad, in this godforsaken southern armpit of a place, instead of spending time with her friends back home in Manhattan."(p1)
The tone in which the writer wrote this book is towards teens. Ronnie who is a teen in the book relates to the hard things she has to face with her parents being separated.Another reason why this book is intended for teens is because of what goes on in the book. It is a bout a TEENAGE girl, who falls in love with a TEENAGE boy, and she has trouble with other TEENAGERS and is basically going through what TEENAGERS go through. Now, I don't think it can get more teenage then that.The thing that really stood out to me though, was how I could relate to how Ronnie dealt things in  the book. She handeld them as I would;  a teen. The book also just has this teenagish (yeah I know not a word,but I couldn't find a better one) voice to it. It has more humor and teen romance. That is why this book goes with the audience for teenagers.
         I also want to discuss question number 8. In this story, The Last Song, there are many relationships. The two major relationships in this story are about love, and I am going to describe both of them. Ronnie is involved in both of these relationships. The first one I want to talk about is with her guy. Ronnie was dreading to go to spend the summer with her dad, and knew that there was nothing for her at the beach. However, this changes when she met a guy by a funny accident. They soon connected and came to understand what each of therm were going through and supported each other throughout the way. Ronnie loves Will, (that's the guys name) and Will. Will is instantly attracted to Ronnie, he noticed how pretty she was, even with all the emo looks she tyred to pass by. Ronnie however, was not interested, until Will started to talk to her and soon she found that he was a okay guy. Their relationship was turned on by how much they understood each other. Will and Ronnie both experienced something tragic  in their lives, and find that this summer brings a lot of trouble. But, the help each other. Towards the end, they have a fight on Will lying and they don't see each other until school starts. Ronnie then notices and finds out how no other guy understands her or wants to be with her more than Will. That is the first relationship.
            The second relationship is about Ronnie and her dad. Ronnie's dad (Steve) and her mom had divorced about 3 or 4 years before she came to spend her summer with her dad. Ronnie did not like that her dad had left them. She did not say anything to him for three years and did not feel guilty. She wanted nothing to do with her dad, especially go spend the summer with him. Although, this changes as she soon finds the truth. Her father knew he was very sick, but he did not want to tell his kids. He knew was going to pass away soon, so he wanted to spend as much time with his kids as he could. In the beginning of the summer Ronnie is mean to her dad and shows her aggressiveness as him. She barley speaks to him and when she does she is mad at him. But, when she finds  out that her dad was sick she changes drastically. She wishes she had not been mean to her dad, and would have got to known him better. she also notices how he was patient with her. He never yelled at her, nor showed any anger to her. Ronnie then tells her dad she is sorry and she spends another summer with him and watches him die. What is a symbol in their realtionhsip is music, this quote," Life, he realized,was much like a song". They both love to play the piano and related in that way.The book does end in a sad way, but also in  a good way. Ronnie gets closer to her dad , and finds love with the guy of her dremas. These are the most interesting and most  complex relationships in the story so that is why I chose them.

         The book overall has a very good message: do not judge a book by its cover. Ronnie had two very difficult relationships that had conflicts but were the bect she could ever experiance. This book is very much for teens that can relate and has intense relationships. I would really recccomend this book.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Book Reveiw #2

         In this book reveiw I want to discuss question number 8. In this story, The Last Song, there are many realrionships. The two major relationships in this story are about love, and I am going to describe both of them.
         Ronnie is involved in both of these relationships. The first one I want to talk about is with her guy. Ronnie was dreading to go to spend the summer with her dad, and knew that there was nothing for her at the beach. However, this changes when she met a guy by a funny accident. They soon connected and came to understand what each of therm were going throug and supported each other throughout the way. Ronnie loves Will, (thats the guys name) and Will. Wil is instanlty attracted to Ronnie, he noticed how pretty she was, even with all the emo looks she tryed to pass by. Ronnie however, was not intrested, until Will startted to talk to her and soon she found that he was a okay guy. Their relationship was turned on by how much they understood each other. Will and Ronnie both experianced something tragic  in their lives, adn find that this summer brings a lot of trouble. But, the help each other. Towards the end, they have a fight on Will lying and they don't see each other until school starts. Ronnie then notices and finds out how no other guy understands her or wants to be with her more than Will. That is the first relationship.

            The second relationship is about Ronnie and her dad. Ronnie's dad (Steve) and her mom had divorced about 3 or 4 years before she came to spend her summer with her dad. Ronnie did not like that her dad had left them. She did not say anything to him for three years and did not feel guilty. She wanted nothing to do with her dad, especiall go spend the summer with him. Although, this changes as she soon finds the truth. Her father knew he was very sick, but he did not want to tell his kids. He knew was going to pass away soon, so he wanted to spend as much time with his kids as he could. In the beginnig of the summer Ronnie is mean to her dad and shows her agresvieness as him. SHe barley speaks to him and when she does she is mad at him. But, whne she finds  out that her dad was sick she chandes drasticly. She wishes she had not been mean to her dad, and would have got to known him better. she also notices how he was pacient with her. He never yelled at her, nor showed any anger to her. Ronnie then tells her dad she is sorry and she spenda anothetr summer with him and watches him die. What is a symbol in their realtionhsip is musiic, this quote," Life, he realized,was much like a song". They both love to play the piano and related in that way.

         The book does end in a sad way, but also in  agood way. Ronnie gets closer to her dad , and finds love with the guy of her fremas. Thsese are the most intresting and most  complex relationships in the story so that is why I chose them. I really likes this book, you guys should read it!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Book Post

          So far my book has been great. Oh yeah, the book I am reading is The Last Song, and I love it! There is a movie about it as well , and I watched it. Though, I think the book has a better descriprion. In this novel, by Nicholas Sparks (a well known author for writing various romance stories) a teenage girl visits her  dad who she has not had much contact with for a while and is not so thrilled about it.
        This book I would recomend to teenagers. Most of the characters in the story are teenagers, and I don't think that adults or young kids could relate to them since they are not teenagers.
       The types of conflicts and situations that are in the story also relate more to somthing that would happeen to teenagers. One of the conflicts is dealing with a divorce. Many people can relate to it, but the author has the veiwpoint set on a teen. The teenager is Ronnie. She does not want to spend her summer at her dad's house in another state. But, she has not even talked to her dad for three years.
   " Ronnie slouched in front of the seat of the car, wondering why on earth her mom and dad hated her so much. It was the only thing that could  explain why she was her visiting her dad, in this godforsaken southern armpit of a place, instead of spending time with her friends back home in Manhattan."(p1)
The tone in which the writer wrote this book is towards teens. Ronnie who is a teen in the book relates to the hard things she has to face with her parents being separated.
     Another reason why this bookj is intended for teens is because of what goes on in the book. It is a bout a TEENAGE girl, who falls in love with a TEENAGE boy, and she has trouble with other TEENAGERS and is basiclly going through what TEENAGERS go through. Now, I don't think it can get more teenage then that.
    The thing that really stood out to me though, was how I could relate to how Ronnie delt things in  the book. She delt with them like a teen. THe book also just has this teenagish (yeah I know not a word,but I couldn't find a better one) voice to it. It has more humor and teen romanace. That is why this book goes with the audience for teenagers.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Vignette Review

            After reading a lot of vignettes I found out that there were many similarities between what students wanted to symbolize in their own vignettes. In Ivan's, Justice's, and Luis's blogs I found that all of  them had a connection with shoes.
               In Justice blog vignette she thinks that shoes are not all that important. she thinks that people should not have an obsession  to shoes. She also talks about her family and how each family member chooses their shoes and what kind. Her main concern is to not get so shoe crazy. I could connect to her because I also think that girls and guys should not get crazy over shoes, I mean their just shoes!
"Im simple open to any shoe as long as it’s cute and I’m not thinking about it. In some ways it is good to like shoes but i do not get the urgent obsession to have to buy a pair of shoes every weekend just because you feel like you need another pair of shoes to fit your life style. I do not understand the fact of having a perfect shoe or having a shoe that is simply not god enough." (Justice)                                                                                      
She also connects to the other two vignettes because she also describes what type of shoes her family members wear.
      In Ivan's vignette shoes come up as symbolizing personality. Her is specific on what type of shoe her focuses on wearing.
Shoes. The shoes my family wear tend to show our personality. I focus on wearing easy flat slim shoes that don't over exaggerate the size of my foot. i have many shoes that tend to focus on what i feel and for different occasions. with having different types of shoes it leads to priority of specific one compared to others.
He also connects to other people because he talks about his family shoe connections as well. Another thing that is uniue about his vignette is that he writes about the comparison he writes about his different pairs o shoes. At the end he writes about a special pair of shoe that he has that he has never worn.(but you should! or else your foot will grow and it will not fit!)
    "  I have shoes i rarely wear which i clean after every use, while i also have some that i wear many days a week and i clean about once a month. My most prized shoes i keep hidden in the darkness of my closet and Ive never ever wore them, i have kept them for almost a year. The shoes i have not wore to this day have huddled together to keep each other company." (Ivan)
Luis is really into shoe brand since he names so many of them.
"Shoes, shoes, shoes. All colors, all brands. As many people know from Jingletown, I have amounts of shoes. Jordans, Nikes, Vans, PF Flyers, Chuck Taylor’s, Supras, Creatives, Adidas, you name em’; I’ve had them. All colors to match shirts, outfits, and jeans. " (Luis)
What is cool about his shoe is the experiance he had with one. He talks about how one pair of shoes changed his whole shoe life and now he wants to buy shoes of that brand.
These are the vignettes THAT HAve one thing in comman SHOES! It was fun reading all the vignetees especially these about shoes.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Beta Reading

   1)  The Dialogue in this book does contribute to the story. It has a very teenager-ish (sorry couldn't find the word for it) sound to it, which is good. I think that there should  be more emotion between the characters in the dialogue, because there is so much of it and it would make the story seem more real.
     2) Adrian's explanation of Filipino folklore is very good. It helps the reader understand the importance of it and it adds a more magical mood to the book. But, I am a little confused on what the folklore is suppose to signify in the story. It would be helpful if it was made more clear.
    3)Dorthy's reaction is not all that realistic. She seems to like the gut and the first reactions are realistic. But, when the folklore is talked about it gets confusing and unrealistic. I think she would be confused or think its a little weird that Adrian knows so much about the folklore. That would make the reaction more realistic.
    4) The cultural elements are fine, but I don't find many i the book. More should be added to make differences between the characters. This would help create a better relationship in the characters because the girl would like the guy because of his culture and how he is different.
   5) Dorthy is fine being Filipino but I think it would be better if she had a different name. Dorthy does seem like the main character in the story. But, I think she should have a closer relationship to Adrian. I cant really tell she is Filipino, Adrian seems more Filipino. I think she should be another ethnicity so that there is a difference between her and Adrian. That would make her more interested in Adrian and help both charactes learn more from each other.
    6) Adrian is somewhat compelling. I like how he is strong about his ethnicity and the description of how he describes it i the folklore. He is a strong character in the book, but lacks emotion. He is present a lot, but there should be more of what he thinks of things and  how he feels about them, like Dorthy.
Overall, the story looks really good and I can't wait to read all of it!