Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Book Reveiw #2

         In this book reveiw I want to discuss question number 8. In this story, The Last Song, there are many realrionships. The two major relationships in this story are about love, and I am going to describe both of them.
         Ronnie is involved in both of these relationships. The first one I want to talk about is with her guy. Ronnie was dreading to go to spend the summer with her dad, and knew that there was nothing for her at the beach. However, this changes when she met a guy by a funny accident. They soon connected and came to understand what each of therm were going throug and supported each other throughout the way. Ronnie loves Will, (thats the guys name) and Will. Wil is instanlty attracted to Ronnie, he noticed how pretty she was, even with all the emo looks she tryed to pass by. Ronnie however, was not intrested, until Will startted to talk to her and soon she found that he was a okay guy. Their relationship was turned on by how much they understood each other. Will and Ronnie both experianced something tragic  in their lives, adn find that this summer brings a lot of trouble. But, the help each other. Towards the end, they have a fight on Will lying and they don't see each other until school starts. Ronnie then notices and finds out how no other guy understands her or wants to be with her more than Will. That is the first relationship.

            The second relationship is about Ronnie and her dad. Ronnie's dad (Steve) and her mom had divorced about 3 or 4 years before she came to spend her summer with her dad. Ronnie did not like that her dad had left them. She did not say anything to him for three years and did not feel guilty. She wanted nothing to do with her dad, especiall go spend the summer with him. Although, this changes as she soon finds the truth. Her father knew he was very sick, but he did not want to tell his kids. He knew was going to pass away soon, so he wanted to spend as much time with his kids as he could. In the beginnig of the summer Ronnie is mean to her dad and shows her agresvieness as him. SHe barley speaks to him and when she does she is mad at him. But, whne she finds  out that her dad was sick she chandes drasticly. She wishes she had not been mean to her dad, and would have got to known him better. she also notices how he was pacient with her. He never yelled at her, nor showed any anger to her. Ronnie then tells her dad she is sorry and she spenda anothetr summer with him and watches him die. What is a symbol in their realtionhsip is musiic, this quote," Life, he realized,was much like a song". They both love to play the piano and related in that way.

         The book does end in a sad way, but also in  agood way. Ronnie gets closer to her dad , and finds love with the guy of her fremas. Thsese are the most intresting and most  complex relationships in the story so that is why I chose them. I really likes this book, you guys should read it!

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