Friday, March 25, 2011

Girls Treated Different? (this is the real post, not the other one)

            Sandra Cisneros would think that girls need to be treated differently. The same way that boys are treated should not be the same way that others (girls) are treated. She talks a lot about the way boys and girls are treated in her book.
In the vignette Alicia Who Sees Mice
"Close your  eyes and they'll go away, her father says, or You're just imagining.. And anyway, a woman's place is sleeping so she can wake up early with the tortilla star, the one that appears early just in time to rise and catch the hind legs hide behind behind the sink, beneath the four-clawed tub, under the swollen floorboards nobody fixes, in the corner of your eyes."(31)
In the vignette, Alicia is the daughter in the story and her father is telling her what she is suppose to be. The woman is suppose to leave early so she can wake up early and care for her family.He (the man) doesn't take in consideration of what the girl has to say about his opinion. Women in this book do not have much say to what men say for them to do. This applies to teenage girls as well. Cisneros knows that teenage girls are treated differently and raised differently than teenage boys. She does believe that they should be treated differently because girls share different feelings than girls. She writes about girls throughout the story and their experiences that occur in life. The difference in girls and boys is the reason why they should be raised differently.
In another vignette Cisneros describes how a man looks at her daughter.
''Her father says, to be this beautiful is trouble. They are strict in his religion. They are not suppose to dance. He remembers his sisters and is sad. Then she can't go out. Sally I mean ." (81)
Sally was a pretty girl. Her father was very protective. The reason he is protective is because of the experience his sisters had. They must of been pretty to, but guys took advantage because he says, "he remembers his sisters and is sad." Her sisters might not have been raised like sally so they got into trouble. Her father does not want sally to be like his sisters. Cisneros thinks that girls should be raised differently because they can't do many things or have many privileges. They can't go out, like sally. She thinks that girls should be bale to have some privileges. That is why Cisneros thinks that girls should be raised differently then boys.

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