Saturday, October 2, 2010

We have a right to Stand up for Ourselves!

I found this quote on Bianca's blog that was very inspiring.
''If they have the right to mock me, then I believe I also have the right to stand up for myself. ''
It was on her blog on Odd Girl Out. I do believe that girls can be aggressive, not just physically but mentally as well. They can make you feel alone, and make others not hang out with you. I agree with her quote and many girls and guys can find this quote to be helpful.
When someone makes fun of you you shouldn't just stay quiet, but dont go up in their face and start cussin. Tell them up front, Hey, don't mess with me, its not nice or something like that. I admit that I may not always be the calmest person when someone pisses me off, but I try.
Another way to use this quote is to stand up for others. You can help a friend out or someone else. When you stand up for someone that shows that you care about them and want to help out. It also shows the bully that they need to stop what their doing because its not right.
So, we all have a right to stand up for ourselves. We can show others that we wont become afraid of their comments to us. It is a way to have a better self image of yourself and to others as well.

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