Monday, May 2, 2011

response post to my tablemates book reveiws

These are my response post to my tablemates book reveiws:

Your book post is good. Ypou really have a nice description of the story and it makes me want to read the book. All I would do is read over it and cheak for grammer mistakes. Also, you summerize the book a lot. I think one of your questions is a bout just the character so try to go more in depth. Try to make connections with other characters and describe this charcater. ALso, ilike how you made that example in the end and I think you can add more to it to describe how it affected the character. Overall, good book post. Read over it and make a few changes.

Andi li: Okay your book post is good. You really have a nice description of the boik without giving everything away. But, I still do not feel like I want to read your book. I also liked how you used one of my quotes to put on your essay. I feel like you can read over you blog post for grammer mistakes and redundabt things. Many of things you put up are just little details that don;t go with the question. ALso, add a conclusion paragraph where you summerize your over all ideas to your bok. Othwer then that, good book post.

your book post was god. I have read your book and I would agree on yout ideas towards it. Ithink you shoud go back and read your rough draft and edit grammera and organization. Yopu have good ideas but their not that well organized. The last paragraph you have is also kind of redundant so I think you can take it out. Try to add those ideas to your other pargraphs. Instead, add a conclusion paragrph were you add all your overall ideas to your book. Over all, good book post.

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