Friday, January 14, 2011


In class we read seven debates on which college to go to. All of them were really good and were persuasive in their own ways.
The most persuasive essay in  this whole set was Access to Money and Power. In this essay Anthony P. Carnevale taks about elite collegs helping you have a better chance of getting a better outcome of it then any other regular college. Although, I do not agree with his point I find that his reasons can be thoughtful and persuade people to his opinions. As en example Carnevale writes,
''Elite colleges are economically and personally productive for individuals lucky enough to attend them.''
This is his main reason and clearly states the individualism of a studenet being lucky to attend a elite college.What I really thought was persuading was the facts he had in his paper.
''those who score 1200 out of a possible 1600 on the SAT -- 96 percent of those who go to the selective colleges graduate, while those who go to the least selective four-year colleges graduate at a rate of 78 percent. Second, spending per student increases with college selectivity, exceeding $50,000 per student at the most selective colleges, compared with $15,000 at public four-year colleges and roughly $10,000 at community colleges.Students at the wealthiest, most selective colleges pay as little as 20 cents for every dollar spent on them, while students at less selective and community colleges are required pay 78 cents on every dollar spent on their education. While the average elite university graduate earns almost $54,000 in an entry-level job, a graduate from one of the least selective four-year college institutions earns $37,000''
Now I know these are a lot of facts from Carnevale,  but he still has more. The number of facts he got make it really persuading knowing that there are facts to back up on his opinion.Carnevale also gives a great outcome of going to an elite college that a regular colllege. He gives a life long effect that will help people in life.
''While the average elite university graduate earns almost $54,000 in an entry-level job, a graduate from one of the least selective four-year college institutions earns $37,000''
I would really like to earn more money in the outcome after college!His points really would agree with  my own opinion of the conflict, but he has his reasons that commit to examples for peoles lives that are relistic. This is why I found Carnevale to be the most persuasive in his essay.

In this debate I also had an essay that seemed the least persuasive which was Merit and Race Luis Fuentes-Rohwer . I didn't even agree with his points, nor thought what he wrote really helped students figure out what college to go to. What he wrote just talked about people being racist and that  is why some do not get accepted into elite colleges.
''The question is similarly complicated with respect to Latino applicants. For example, should Cuban Americans with on average higher socioeconomic status be treated the same as Mexican Americans or Puerto Ricans? How about recent migrants from Central and South America?''
Okay, seriously? Like he just had to go with the lationos?I don't find it racist  or think he is trying to be facist but not evryone is latino. Most people are going to be able to connect with this unless their Lation and have experiance this conflict.
He also does not give mmuch advice on how to choose a college which I find unhelpful. I also noticed that all what he talked about was race and how it makes conflicts with college choosing/acceptance. This is the last sentence where the end conclusion is given ...
''This is another way of saying that minority applicants should think long and hard before turning down admission to elite institutions.''
Okay evrey one knows that they have to think hard and long before turning down admission to elite  institutions! But what does that have to do with choosing a college?!?! This guy seriously just did not make sense in his ideas or purpose of this paper. That is why I found this paper to be the least persuasive.

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