Friday, October 29, 2010

//////////////////////////Refletion Essay//////////////////////////////

       Blogs are a introduction to me that have given me a new view of my writing and help to it as well.

        Since the beginning of the school year we have been writing blogs(which I love doing!) I find myself writing about all sorts of topics, from view of an essay -   Q's Experience to a New World to finding inner strength -''Ganging Up''.  But, the topics I most write about is poetry. You will find a lot of random poems in my blog because I enjoy reading it and writing it. To sum it all up, I have a lot of random topics that I like to share with classmates.

        Having a blog has given me a chance to express myself in writing. With all the writing I have at my school that exclude topics, blogs give me choice to write about the topics I want. It does not restrict me from staying on one main idea for all blogs. I wrote about an essay: Movies to watch which had to do with a novel we read in class. I had very strong opinions on the novel and my description amplified my overall overview of it. The next day I wrote about a blog on a Poem, which was a freewrite. With having such freedom in writing it gives the writer a chance to express my writing in different topics and have a more open view on what I am writing about.

        Having a blog has also been able to get me some feedback on my work that has helped and encouraged on my writing. ''I found this quote in Susan's blog that explains a lot of what...'' This quote shows the ideas I get from others in their blogs.
Most of the feedback I get are comments, but others I mistook as insults. But, as I studied my writing I noticed that those insults( better yet-advice) would be able to make my writing better. As I used the advice on my blogs, people started to notice and comment. It gives me a sense to be proud my work and encourages me to be more confident in what I write about.

       I also find that blog post help people learn more about each others style of writing. Sometimes I would get board of my own blogs and start to read other people's blog. I found many interesting topics that I responded to and I found other good topics that could contribute to my blogs. A blog is like a canvas waiting to be filled with inspiration that are your words.
      I sometimes find myself just wanting to write more and more blogs because of the type of inspiration we give ourselves to write about.''We sometimes get so caught up we don't even finish.''
      My most favorite thing of having a blog connects to having freedom, but I don't have to stick to narrative essays.(which I find boring, sorry If I offended anyone). I don't have to worry about punctuation of grammar, which is great! Or follow a list of rules that conclude to an essay. I can focus more on my main idea of writing and let my essays flow more easily.

At first, writing on the Internet was a weird introduction to a new exposure of our writing. I am going to be honest- I was nervous!  I thought of my work a lot- having to revise two or three times, and going over my other blogs. I didn't know what type of comments I would get on my style of writing.
Through writing many blog posts, my fear of putting up work was over.

     Blogs have changed my writing a lot! Before having a blog I would never feel comfortable writing a piece of writing on my own. Now , I can write for longer periods of time and not get stuck so easily. It has improved my writing and the way that I write. As I referred to before on the freedom of blogs, it has helped me to be able to write about more topics that I wold have trouble with. I can get more ideas into my writing, as well as having a choice of topic.

       Now, blogs have not just made me realize I have the best writing skills in the world; I have found flaws in my old blogs from previous blogs with more advanced improvements. On my first blog I noticed how I lacked many of the requirements that were needed in my writing. Throughout the year my blog has been used as a tool to be able to go back and study my own writing; they help find flaws and success in  my writing.

      Throughout the whole process of having blogs I now find myself thinking about writing ( specifically mine) in a different way. Before, I would always find writing a dull thing to do, I never even had a diary for more than a year because of how much I didn't like to write. I always thought you had to be a natural, but I was wrong. Now, I think of writing as an enjoyable thing to do. I can write in class for then minuets without having to stop all the time, and ideas come to my head more easily. My writing has improved ( which I am very happy about) and I write in a different way. With the freedom of blogs I have practiced my writing the past weeks and it helps me just practice. I know it sound weird that I just needed to practice but Mr. Sutherland also gave us a lot of good tips on writing which have also had a great impact in my writing. Blogs have seemed to help me find my happy place in my writing.
  Blogs have been  a lot of help to my writing and I hope they keen on doing it. What I do have in mind are some goals that I could work on for next quarter. I want to be able to stay on topic with my ideas a little better. I go off topic in some of my writing and it makes the reader not be able to know my dominant expression. My second goal is to write more! We have a whole lot of writing that will be assigned and I hope that I get enough ideas for all of them. My last goal is to work on my intro. and conclusion paragraphs. I really don't like having to write them because I find myself with so may choices to start and end a paragraph. These are goals that I will try to work on in my blogs and lern how to approach them in a better way.

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