Thursday, August 26, 2010

Classmate Response

This quote from Mercedes was a quote that I could relate to the ASTI counstitution.
''Though that wasn’t always the case… every now and then, an alliance was formed, and being “unpopular” my friends and I were usually the ones being harassed. Truthfully, I didn’t much care, if they wanted to confront me; they needed to do it themselves, to my face. Otherwise, all their effort was for nothing… after a while, the other “targets” picked up on the same tactic, and eventually the harassers left us alone, if we weren’t gonna react, they wouldn’t bother. Tough sometimes this wasn’t as good an idea as it seemed… sometimes the “bullies” would react poorly, resorting to treats of beatings if we didn’t do as they wanted. It was at that point we brought our problem to the administration.''
In the asti constituion we are to folow the rules and respect one another. If someone is having a trouble
 we are to try to solve the problem or conflict in any way we can. If we are being mean and be aggresive to each other we will never solve a problem. In the asti constutution we have to be a good student and try to be respectfull.Mercedes shows a good exaple of problem solving. She had a conflict with someone else and ignored them at first. That helps to show the bully that you do not care what he or she does, and that you
are mature. That was a way to stop it, but it continued. It lead to the point where Mercedes had to go to the administration. That can also help to not lead to any more problems. You can just contact an adult,
and he or she can help you.
Mersedes thought before she spoke or did anything and her quote of action helped to end a conflict.
She also resolved a conflict peacefully. Her example helps students learn what can be done to end a conflict. Her quote also can represent the following of the asti constitution. By being respectful and a positive sudent, you not only get repaect but can ake a great examples for others.

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