Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Q's Experiance To A New World

       The Dinosaur(that is his mane), just had his first interaction with the New Ones. He seems to feel relived that he is accepted after long years of being tracked down, but finds himself feeling lost from his past.
‘’They gave me a nick name: ‘’The Ugly One’’, because I was different from them, for no other reason. These New Ones, I don’t know how in the world you call them, Pantotheres or whatever, were still a rather formless species; in fact, all the other species descended from it later; and already in those days there was the greatest variety of similarity and dissimilarities from one individual different type, I was finally convinced I didn’t stand out too much.’’ pp(99-100)
The way Dinosaur reacted to the salutations of the New One’s was is sometimes the same way that people react to differences. People can be rude, or friendly when one interacts or comes in contact with new things. An example can be when we meet new people. I f we feel insecure (which is most of the time) we change our personalities and our beliefs.
    We feel that people won’t accept us, and we will be alone. Dinosaur was nervous when he met Fern Flower. People can react in a different way to something they meet. When II meet new people I  might like the company or dread the time I have to spend with that person(s).We also judge people  before we even get to meet them. That can make conflicts between the differences people can share, and neglect those differences. Dinosaur was very different from the New Ones; from his physical features, to.his characteristics. He soon found out that if he wanted others to like him and fit in, he would have to change. Change can be a good thing at times, but make others fake. You can share differences and be able to use them, but not make them change you completely. These are problems many people face with changes to meeting new people and their differences.     What we can learn from the experiences from Dinosaur  can help us with our future experiences. This experience for Dinosaur show a lot of our world today. Are people accepting each other? Or Are we changing people? What we can do is learn to accept new people. Q dealed with his situation by becoming one of the New Ones. Maybe in his own opinion, his choice was the correct thing to do. My advice to people would be to be able to accept differences. Invite someone new to eat at your table, or talk to someone you haven’t talked to. This will be able to create a better relationship between people.

Friday, September 24, 2010


      I found this quote in Susan's blog that explains a lot of what the government does to people

''Instead of holding people back and telling them what to do, we must facilitate all of our rights of freedom.''
       Government has been taking our place in our say in what we think is right. Sure, they have many important people representing the ''whole America'', but really just represents the people who work for the government.
Government has been taking away our freedom by not letting all people vote, deciding things for us, and making up stupid laws that can go against a lot of people who have done nothing wrong.
       It is like the government is speaking for us. The problem is why do we let them do that, and no I am not saying let us make a riot and kill them all, but have more of a voice in our nation. We should be able to spread  our opinions to others in a safe way that does not neglect others. It is a way in which we can make new ideas that can benefit others as well. This a poem in which we made in seventh grade that I give out my ideas on the freedom people have today.

                                                        Is freedom out there

I ask myself this question
I guess others do too
What is freedom?
It seems to be lost in a puddle of honor, power, and strength
that comes from those who speak for us
Is it true?
Freedom is still out there?
In the laws we have to follow
Constricting us and our morals
Or the men in black suites who seem to always have more power than me
 Is  my yellow top and skinny jeans not enough?
The lesson we need to learn is this:
Learn to accept the differences
the choices
the opinions
the looks
the personalities
the fame
and fortune
the poor
 and stupid (well, the not so smart)
the colors
and race
the culture
in all people.
Do you think this is a way to a new beginning?
A way to let others know
Hey, I am somebody who needs respect and wants to help
So, listen up goverment

(This is the second part of ''The Day I Saw You)

          Poetry has been written since people have been able to write. There are many different types of poetry that we may not even think are poetry. Examples could be: songs, a diary, your opinion, and your own writing. Writing poetry in my opinion, is a way of expressing my feelings toward something. Maybe I was mad about something and wrote a poem to express my anger, or I could have had a great day and described how it went in a poem. The problem is not how the poem is itself, but what it shows about us. Poetry is a powerful tool that is used by many people, and through it we learn more about others.
        Writing poems is also a way of writing anything you want to get out at an audience. You have the freedom to write. Unlike, in an essay you may have to write about a certain topic.  In a poem the writer can change from topic to topic, write about something and then something completely different, but it is poetry.
         People should start writing more poetry. Not for writing a simple piece of writing, but a masterpiece that can be portrayed by others in discovering more about yourself.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Please cheack out this Poem?

The Day I saw You

I was in the street
You were in a hotel
I was in the cold
You were in the light
The sounds I heard were my crying
All you heard was laughing
You dressed in Vans, Levies, gold, and a hundred dollar shirts
I was dressed with the same thing every day
Tyring to love you is like asking time to stop
It would be just you and me 
But I see how harsh reality is
 The differences that I saw where far to vast for us to love
If only you knew how much I loved you

This poem is from my Friend. I do not want to mention her name, but I love this poem.
Sure, she did exaggerate, she did not where the same thing everyday.
But, this poem is much more than love
it explains the way we look at each other.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ten Words

These are words I need to practice:

Friday, September 17, 2010

First day of ASTI(AHHHHH!)

         So far my ASTI experiance has been really great. The school is awsome and so are allthe students and staff.
I can still remember my first day of high school. I was late(myluck). I entered Mr. Higashi's room and I saw a few familiar faces. The rest of my day was meeting new students and at lunch I went out to eat. y friend and I went to taco bell. I don't remember what I ate, but I was hungry.After luch we went to sixth period and physucal fitness class. Mt first day of school was over and I was exuasted.
I hope this school will teach me to work harder as a student and to be able to eet new people.
So freshmen, how do you guys feel about ASTI and your new experiences?

Breaking Bad Habits

         Coming to ASTI, it is a difficult and exciting transition from Middle school to high school. It is exciting to meet new people and go to school in a college campus. The work I have done so far can was a bit difficult, but I am getting used to it. The problem is that many of the bad habits I had in middle school are the ones that I have had trouble in this period of being in high school.
 I found this quote from Karisa's blog that summarizes what I mostly did in middle school with my bad habits.
''I also didn't have the best study habits. Very often I would procrastinate with finishing assignments or studying for test and unfortunately, all I was doing was hurting myself.''
         Middle school (now that I think of it) was really just a breeze. I barley studied for test, and saw no point in doing homework that was extremely easy.I thought that school was so easy that I never really put effort into my work.
        What these bad habits do is that they make you lazy and procrastinate. I am not saying I was the smartest person in school, but a lot of students thought that school was really easy and saw no point in doing work. Of course, I did complete most of my work, but I sometimes did my math homework in class without studying, or forgot to finish a history homework sheet and put some random stuff to look like I put time and effort on it.
        That is what I think I really needed to work on my work in middle school, time and effort. With putting time into work I could study and use my time wisely to make sure that I understood the concepts of what we went over in class. With putting effort into my work I make sure I do my best and get the most from my work to help me learn.
Breaking habits can be difficult.but with time and effort it is possible. I think that if I learn to use my wisely and put more effort into my work it will help me become a better student here at ASTI.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Medical Marijuana Should be banned: Rebuttal

My rebuttal on Banning  Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana has helped some patients, ( yeah, only some NOT ALL PATIENTS). But, there can be some serious consequences that may occur if not taken with responsibility and common sense. People may become addicted to marijuana because of the THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the active ingredient in cannabis. People who take the medicine think that they are feeling better, but really just feel high. It can also affect children by watching their parents take the ''medicine'' and think it is okay. It can also lead to others selling it to others who don't need it and earning profit. That is selling illegal marijuana and can affect people by just using it to sell it and not helping patients. Last of all. Marijuana is still a drug. You simply cannot change that. So, why would people want to add even ore side affects by using marijuana as a medicine, when already there is no cure for the patient.

Pro Rebuttal:

''Medical Marijuana helps patients with their pain'' (Con's opening Statement)

Here are my reasons with evidence and my feedback on them:

Medical Marijuana has been a legal medicine since 1996. It can help relief pain for some patients, not all, but can be taken as an advantage.

People become addicted to it after having the experience of supposedly feeling less pain, but really just feeling high.

THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the active ingredient in cannibus.

Like any other powerful, mood altering substance, people who are prone to chemical dependency can become addicted to marijuana.

High doses of marijuana can produce an acute psychotic reaction, and research suggests that in vulnerable individuals, marijuana use may be a factor that increases risk for the disease. From- www.addict-help.com/

"Cannabis as a smoked product, in my judgment, would not be a useful product simply because of the lack of standardization, the fact that it's a smoked material: you can't determine the dose, people smoke in different ways, plus the interaction of the many different components and degradation products, and the tars associated with smoked materials. So smoking is not a good delivery system.

However, cannabis as a plant that is rich in chemical components, would have potential for producing useful drugs, for example THC. Now THC in the oral preparation, it doesn't seem to be doing the good job it should or was expected to. My personal view on the reason for this is the 'first-pass effect.' The material taken orally goes through the liver and is converted to the 11-hydroxy metabolite, which is 4-5 times more potent in terms of psycho activity, before getting into the bloodstream, and the profile of these two drugs is quite different."
Dec. 19, 2005 - Mahmoud A. ElSohly, PhD 

People just seem to want to take an overdose of it, there is really no safe way to make sure that the people took the right amount.

Marijuana is still a drug no matter marijuana, def: hemp plant: the Indian hemp plant that is the source of the drugs marijuana and cannabis.

Why should it be taken as medicine?

People are in pain, but there is till no cure, so why use a drug that can add on to the serious side affects it can have.

Others can become affected. Especially infants or small kids who see parents or adults take this ‘‘medication’’.

"The most compelling concerns regarding marijuana smoking in HIV/AIDS patients are the possible effects of marijuana on immunity.

Reports of opportunistic fungal and bacterial pneumonia in AIDS patients who used marijuana suggest that marijuana smoking either suppresses the immune system or exposes patients to an added burden of pathogens.

In summary, patients with preexisting immune deficits due to AIDS should be expected to be vulnerable to serious harm caused by smoking marijuana."

-- Institute of Medicine Report
Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base
Mar. 1999

"A new federal report released today concludes the younger children are when they first use marijuana, the more likely they are to use cocaine and heroin and become dependent on drugs as adults.[...]

Increases in the likelihood of cocaine and heroin use and drug dependence are also apparent for those who initiate use of marijuana at any later age"

--US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
SAMHSA press release on their report;
"Initiation of Marijuana Use: Trends, Patterns and Implications"
Aug. 28, 2002

Kids don’t know what a drug is. They may see others using it and see that it is okay,

That adds to making them want to use it. If parents don not enforce their children to not do it why would they be doing it.

Others sell it, earn profit

Authorities raided two medical marijuana businesses and arrested 15 people for allegedly making illegal sales in a crackdown announced Thursday by Oakland County officials.

The arrests followed an undercover investigation that found marijuana being sold illegally, often without buyers showing state-issued medical marijuana cards, officials said. The cards are distributed to people whose doctors prescribed marijuana for pain relief.

Raids Wednesday night targeted Clinical Relief, a Ferndale clinic, and Everybody's Café, a Waterford Township restaurant that runs an after-hours "compassion club" behind closed doors. Arrests and drug seizures also occurred at Metro Detroit homes and a Macomb County warehouse, officials said.

Clinical Relief, which opened in June, sells 20 grades of marijuana ranging up to $700 an ounce, and reportedly has more than 1,000 customers.

During the raid there Wednesday, three people were arrested, including co-owner Matthew Curtis.

Ryan Richmond, co-owner of Clinical Relief, on Thursday denied the allegations by police as he drove to visit Curtis at the Oakland County Jail.

From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20100827/METRO02/8270393/Medical-pot-clinics-busted-for-illegal-sales#ixzz0yRQ7wuuF

People see how much a simple bag of marijuana can go for. It is a way to be able to get a lot of money and still help ‘‘people’’

Can be a dangerous drug. Other less dangerous medicine is still out there

Based on current evidence, I believe that marijuana is a dangerous drug and that there are less dangerous medicines offering the same relief from pain and other medical symptoms."

-- Bill Frist, MD
Former US Senator (R-TN)
Correspondence to ProCon.org
Oct. 20, 2003

"A new federal report released today concludes the younger children are when they first use marijuana, the more likely they are to use cocaine and heroin and become dependent on drugs as adults.[...]

Increases in the likelihood of cocaine and heroin use and drug dependence are also apparent for those who initiate use of marijuana at any later age"

--US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
SAMHSA press release on their report;
"Initiation of Marijuana Use: Trends, Patterns and Implications"
Aug. 28, 2002

Medical Marijuana is just a way of people being able to get it for themselves and not their health. It should be banned.